The area
Here, the ‘Bosbeek’ forms the natural divide between two contrasting landscapes. In the ‘Tösch’ nature reserve, you will be surprised by the wilderness, but on a small scale. The wet ground creates a swampy environment with carr forests, pools, brushwood and shrubbery. Add to that grazing Scottish Highlanders and Konik horses and the wilderness picture is complete. The shrubs and willows are irresistible for typical birds such as bluethroat, grasshopper warbler and reed bunting. The Langeren area lies on the northern side of the Bosbeek. Here, it is fields and meadows that determine the view. Langeren is home to a wealth of small-landscape elements: many of the wooded banks and edges have been here for more than 100 years and give the landscape a picturesque feel.

If you like a patchwork of views, then you've come to the right place. As many as five different loops with 29 K of hiking fun between them meander through the landscape. The trails with all information can be found on the hiking map 'Tösch-Langeren'
Accessibility and parking
Parking is possible at car park 8 at the Castle Wurfel, Kapelweg 60, 3680 Maaseik.